Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Alternative Medicine

Alternative reality

What is it about medical issues that make people think they should give you their opinion, and that you want to get it? And when you don't show much interest, to push it even more? This is not a new issue, but one that has come up yet again. 

A coworker was recently telling me about working out on the lunch hour, then asked if I work out. I explained that I used to, but due to my autoimmune stuff there's now a lot of working out I'm not supposed to do. I then got the now-familiar start of "have you thought about changing your diet?" It now takes everything I have to control the full-body-eye-roll reaction when I hear those words. 
Then came the suggestion to cut out sugar, alcohol, processed food, red meat, dairy, gluten, rainbows, sunshine, puppies, and children's laughter. And I had to politely explain, and re-explain, and explain three more times that I don't believe my diet is the problem, I'm not interested in changing it, and my disease is relatively controlled. Even if changing my diet would get rid of the autoimmune, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't restore the damage my knees have already sustained. 
But of course this is because of a mistrust of doctors.They just "have a thing" about doctors. You know, doctors who have gone through so many hoops and years and become experts in their field...but please, tell me how the doctor is less credible than the Gluten Free Crunchy Mom blog you read. 

The sad part is I've gotten into some pretty big arguments with friends over this topic. Yes, I do understand that they care about me and want to help...but I didn't ask nor am I interested in it. And when I say thank you but no thank you, shouldn't that be enough? Yes. It should. 
I have a hard time balancing between being polite, assertive, and just really fucking done with the conversation. 

Okay, I know for a lot of people diet makes a huge difference, and there is a lot of validity to changing it. Should I make more of an effort to eat better? Probably. But you know what? I'm lazy. I am making an effort to be healthier. But I don't want to be monitoring every little thing I eat or having to make special meals 100% of the time. I like sugar. Like, I really really like sugar. And I like booze and going out to eat and carbs. That's not to say I don't make any effort to eat slightly less terribly; I do. But I'm also not about to cut random things out of my diet. It will not make me invincible, and there's almost a certainty it would make me miserable and bitchy. 

Whew, I forgot how good I am at ranting and I'll just continue!

Another fun thing happening around the office is the joke of pregnancy predictions. I'm tired. Are you pregnant? I like food. You must be pregnant. I forgot what I came in here for. Oh! Pregnancy brain! 
Oooor I'm just a regular fucking human being! Plus, if I was pregnant, wouldn't it be better to wait till I deemed it appropriate to announce that instead of putting me in some awkward position where I either have to lie or divulge life-changing news before I'm ready? Rude. 
Okay. This kind of makes me think of one of the few YouTube personalitities I watch multiple videos of...he has a new (I think) one about how to be offended. Sometimes I feel like I fit in maybe I'm not taking the joke or something. But this one does really bug me. 
Maybe the next time someone has a headache I'll nudge them playfully and say "Uh oh, you must have a brain tumor!" with a knowing wink.