Thursday, February 5, 2015


Continue rant.

I can't believe I forgot to touch on vaccines in the last post, especially since it's such a hot topic in the US right now. And, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it to you guys, but my immune system is slightly suppressed (did I lace that with enough sarcasm?). So I'm not really a fan of the current measles outbreak. Like, really really not a fan. So let's talk about this. Or, let me talk about it!

Perhaps it would be good to start with Jenny McCarthy. Poor Jenny McCarthy, who was simply a concerned mother. Tireless Jenny McCarthy who, when her child was diagnosed with autism, made it her mission to "cure" him and to find out how it possibly could have happened. Brilliant Jenny McCarthy, who...somehow...discovered that the culprit was vaccination. It's really not surprising that she was able to come to this conclusion, given her impressive resume. A high school diploma and some time in college, Playboy Playmate of the Year, and list of dumb-blonde-slapstick-comedy acting roles. Here are some of her best quotes: "I was a puke brunette." "I don't sleep in anything. I have to be nude, and if I'm not, I end up ripping my clothes off in the middle of the night." "There was a problem with studios how to write for me. It's a complex kind of character I am, because I'm built like a bunny but I talk like a dude." 
Ah, just inspiring. She only speaks on the real, important issues. It's no wonder that people listen to her over the scientists and doctors who have spent years studying and working with these diseases. They don't hold a candle to her!

Okay, okay, I'll be fair. It really is understandable that the anti-vaccine crowd doesn't just want to pour money into "big pharma." But I these people take vitamins, or medicine when they're not feeling well? If they get diabetes or cancer, will they decide against insulin or chemo? If they need stitches, will they refuse local anesthesia? Because, unless you go completely off the grid and disconnect from society, it's near impossible to pay into the pharmaceutical companies. 

Many parents feel that they know what's best for their children. Well, they do. Except when they're fostering the return of debilitating, highly contagious diseases. Sometimes the government needs to step in and make laws, because you're making freaking stupid decisions for yourself and your kids! 

The experts say a new outbreak is what's needed for people to once again see the necessity for vaccination. That's scary. Both for the idea of people's shortsightedness, and the people who are getting sick. 
I've said it before and I'll say it again: WHAT is wrong with people? Maybe going completely off the grid and disconnecting from society isn't such a bad idea.

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