Thursday, February 28, 2019

196 Books: Canada

Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King

I assume most people know where Canada know, the big country above the US, but just in case:

Here's the Wikipedia summary:
Green Grass, Running Water opens with an unknown narrator explaining "the beginning", in which the trickster-god Coyote is present as well as the unknown narrator. Coyote has a dream which takes form and wakes Coyote up from his sleep. The dream thinks that it is very smart; indeed, the dream thinks that it is god, but Coyote is only amused, labelling the dream as Dog, who gets everything backwards. Dog asks why there is water everywhere, surrounding the unknown narrator, Coyote, and him. At this, the unknown narrator begins to explain the escape of four Native American elders from a mental institution who are named Lone RangerIshmaelRobinson Crusoe, and Hawkeye. The elders are each connected with a female character from native tradition: First Woman and the Lone Ranger, Changing Woman and Ishmael, Thought Woman and Robinson Crusoe, and Old Woman and Hawkeye. The book then divides into four main sections: each of these sections is narrated by one of the four elders.
In addition to these four explaining the "ordinary" events, they each tell a creation story that accounts for why there is so much water. In each creation story, the four encounter a figure from the Bible of Judeo-Christian tradition, as well as the western literary figures from whom each derives his name.
The book has four major plot lines. One follows the escape and travels of the elders and Coyote, who are out to fix the world. Dr Joseph Hovaugh and Babo, his assistant, try to track down the elders. Dr. Hovaugh keeps track of every time the elders have gone missing; he attributes major events, such as the volcanic eruption of Mount St Helens, to their disappearances. The second plot line follows Lionel Red Dog, Charlie Looking Bear and Alberta. The third plot line follows Eli Stands Alone, Lionel's uncle, who lives in his mother's house in the spillway of the Balene Dam. The fourth plot line involves characters from Christian and Native American creation myths and traditions, as well as literary and historical figures including Ahdamn, First Woman, the Young Man Who Walks on Water, Robinson Crusoe, Nasty Bumpo and so on.
The climax of the novel approaches at the time of the traditional Blackfoot annual ceremony of the Sun Dance. Ultimately, the dam breaks due to an earthquake caused by Coyote's singing and dancing. A flood destroys Eli's house, but also returns the waterway to its natural course.
The novel concludes much as it began. The trickster-god Coyote and the unknown narrator are in an argument about what existed in the beginning. Coyote says nothing, but the unknown narrator says that there was water. Once again Coyote asks why there is water everywhere, and the unknown narrator says he will explain how it happened.

But I also wanted to add the summary from the back of the book:
Strong, sassy women and hard-luck, hardheaded men, all searching for the middle ground between Native American tradition and the modern world, perform an elaborate dance of approach and avoidance in this magical, rollicking tale by Cherokee author Thomas King. Alberta is a university professor who would like to trade her two boyfriends for a baby but no husband; Lionel is forty and still sells televisions for a patronizing boss; Eli and his log cabin stand in the way of a profitable dam project. These three-and others-are coming to the Blackfoot reservation for the Sun Dance and there they will encounter four Indian elders and their companion, the trickster Coyote-and nothing in the small town of Blossom will be the same again... 

So, sorry, the summaries took up a lot of space, but I really wanted you to know about the plot. Because this book was so fun. 
When I was looking for Canada books, I felt like I was cheating a little bit by picking this one; the author is Canadian American instead of solely Canadian. But I loved the sound of the book so much I went with it anyway. I also really like the Native American culture, so that kind of hooked me. When I was in college I dated a guy who was half Native American and he took me to the reservation his dad lived on. I'm sure I wrote about him in here about 10 years ago but I don't remember the name I gave him. Anyway I found it to be such a peaceful, beautiful culture. Oh God, I sound super white right now don't I? 
Regardless, I was excited to read a Native story. And it was super interesting. I mean, I've most enjoyed the books that are true stories, but I breezed through this one pretty quickly. Each section of the story was quick and it jumped around kind of a lot so it was easy. It also left me wanting more, even though it was close to 500 pages long. I enjoyed the characters and want to know what happens to them. They were real and raw and bold. Also the author is very witty. 

Well fine, I know I'm not actually saying much about the book. But it was really good. It was witty and funny and endearing. I loved it and I might have to search out more books written by this author. You know, if I ever finish this around the world in books challenge. 

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