Thursday, July 3, 2014

2200 Miles to LA (Part 2)

California dreamin

I'm really not sure how I got ready in time to go to the gig, let alone look decent. But, somehow, I did. It wasn't a swanky place, but it was fun. I got to see one of the band members I hadn't seen in a long time, and met the other for the first time. Somewhere during the set, they decided I should sing with my sister. I got up and sang backup for her for Lorde's "Royals." Except it was different; they played up the drums and it had a really rock feel. It. Was. Amazing. It's not like anything I've done before; it was empowering and I felt like a badass.

The next day they had another gig, but I was feeling a bit rough. It also didn't help that it was during the day, but we still had fun and I got a lot of dancing in. By the end of the day, though, I was exhausted. 
Monday was a lazy day by the pool.  We were just hanging out in the evening when I got a text from Soldier. He asked if I wanted to go to Six Flags (or, as I'm told the locals call it, Magic Mountain) the next day. I thought about it for a few minutes, not sure how it would affect my legs. Then I had a moment of "fuck it, why are you even thinking about it?" and told him that it sounded fun. This was also a good opportunity for me...I'd found a stowaway in my bag: his bow tie...I saw this as a good sign. I bought my ticket online and got to bed so I could get enough sleep. 

The next morning we were supposed to meet at 9:30 at the bride's house. The boys were running late, so they changed it to 10. So, I got there at 10 and they were still running late. The good news was that the bride was really cool. This was especially nice since I ended up spending about 40 minutes, just the two of us. At one point we were talking about the wedding and she said "You're coming right? As [Soldier's] date?" I had a combination of surprise and elation, but I'm apparently really good at hiding my feelings. I played cool and said that I assumed not; that he hadn't said anything about it. I apologized to her for the way I acted when we first got there to drop C and K off and I told her that it was weird for me. She kind of shrugged it off and told me that she'd originally thought I was Soldier's girlfriend. Good God, how is he so blind to something the entire rest of the universe sees plain as day?! What an idiot. A wonderful, stupid idiot. 
The boys eventually got there and we sat around for a few minutes. I pulled out his bow tie and he played around with it; I tightened it to see if it would fit. It did and I told him I'd considered putting it on and sending him some pictures. It was just a silly, fun thing. 

The park was a ton of fun. The coasters were insane, and Soldier was flirty again. The guys asked if my sister could get them that was the mission after the park. Well, after a quick stop to get supplies for beer pong. We went back to my sister's and hung out for a bit and had some candy. Then we went back to the bride's to play some beer pong. I did horribly, but Soldier didn't seem to mind. Really, there were a couple of times where I had to consciously stop and remind myself that we weren't together. We also chatted with the father of the bride for a while; he was really nice. When they dropped me off, I had been sitting in the back seat and there was kind of a lot going I just left. I barely said goodbye. 
My sister and her friend were still up when I got home, so I hung out with them. I finally went to bed at like 3:30 in the morning, not really sure how to feel about the whole day. 

Stay tuned for what happens next!

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